I spent all day Saturday cleaning. And cleaning. Seriously, lots of cleaning. Sunday Tanner shampooed the carpets and I rearranged the bedroom a little bit. All because my FAMILY is visiting! Well, half of them anyway!
My mom and sister will be here on Thursday. But that's not all that's going on this week. My best friends all have stuff happening!
I've been planning on my family's visit for the last month and have been coming up with ideas of things to do. I can't wait to take pictures and share on here! Christmas in July is gonna be a hit! We've been finding Christmas presents for each other and I plan to make Christmas cookies as well as other traditions. But that's just one day! We've got a lot planned so I'll be attached to my camera their entire visit.
Other than that nothing has new has been going on. I tried to learn to french braid my own hair. Check this out:
Its totally crappy-but I did it myself so I'm proud. Practice makes perfect...I just need the patience to practice!
Tried rockin' the red lips also:
Not a very exciting or stylish weekend!
Well, I don't want to ramble on. This update is a lame one but I'll have more/better things in a couple of days!
u do rock the red lips girl!!