About Me

About Me

Hi! I'm Samantha. Or Sammi. Or Sam. Really it comes down to how much time you feel like putting into saying my name! I started this blog as a way for me to write about my life and brag about my accomplishments. (Crafts & Baking. Whenever I take time to complete a project-its a huge accomplishment!) I have chronic ADHD when it comes to crafts and buy the supplies (half the supplies, some supplies...) and begin the project and then nearly complete it (partially finish it, just stare at the project...you get where I'm going) and take 6 months to get back to finishing it up! Blogging about my feats is how I plan to keep up with crafting. And lets face it-being a member of Pinterest means I have a LOT of crafts in mind!
Ah but I've become side tracked with crafts. I don't just enjoy crafting-I also like to cook and bake. Though I am in the amateur stages. I'll be first to admit it, I never paid attention or tried to help my mom cook. So at the ripe age of 24 I'm learning [slowly but surely] how to cook and create! 
Aside from the above I also want a part of this world wide web to be able to look back on in years to come and remember what was going on in my life. 
Also-I'm a picture nut. [not in a psuedo-photographer way] I just really enjoy taking pictures of everything! You have been warned!

Tanner & Sookie
These 2 adorable beasts are the loves of my life. Tanner and I have been together for 3 years. Sookie has been with us nearly a year. We are a very happy and cuddly family!

Random Facts

:: I was born in Tucson, AZ but have lived all over the US. My family settled down in Show Low, AZ which is where I attended high school. My dad was a Pastor. Yes I believe in God but No I won't push my beliefs on you. I went to church all my life. Until I got a taste of the 'real world' I didn't have many of my own opinions on things. I'm thankful that I do now.  It's true what they say about pastor's kids...

::I'm a shoe fanatic. I collect heels. My boyfriend tries to tell me I have enough...but a girl can never have enough shoes. As long as they're over 4 and 1/2 inches tall-I want them! 

::I'm obsessed with the Green Bay Packers. I've loved them ever since high school. My football obsession gets deeper every year. Which would seem convenient for my boyfriend, but I managed to land the one guy who only likes Baseball and Nascar! I have to tell HIM to shush while I'M watching the game. Ah, role reversals. 

::Everyone I know is convinced I'll be a Hoarder someday! I call it craft-collecting. I just say I look forward to making an appearance on TLC and will blame them all, with an arm full of pictures of them for the producers to use.  I have gotten better at letting random junk go ever since I made a toilet paper roll wall art (it was not terrible looking, spray painted black. The tutorials are all over if you want to check it out) I never heard the end of it from my best friend.

::I don't eat purple candy. I just....don't. 

::I have a insatiable fear of my feet being eaten by zombies at night. It was from a comedy/horror I saw as a kid [My Boyfriend's Back] and it was a minuscule part that shouldn't have scarred me for life...but it did. But to be realistic, now a days I'm petrified of having my feet uncovered and be pulled out of bed by demon, a la Paranormal Activity. Yeah...I don't really do scary movies well. Now I have to sleep wrapped in a blanket like a caterpillar in a cocoon in order to fall asleep. And yes, I'm 24 and scared of the dark! 

::Some of my top interests-aside from heels and the Packers- are: Greek Mythology, Zombies [Seems kind of redundant after the above statement, right?!]  Metaphysics [Chakras, Feng Shui etc], Vampires [including Twilight & True Blood-but not limited to], Psychology. I would gladly choose a non-fiction book on any of these subjects rather than a fiction book. Its hard to find good fiction now a days anyway!