About Me

May 11, 2011

5 Months is FAR too long.

Ok...I won't go into detail about how TERRIBLE it is that it's been 5 months since I blogged last! SO much has happened. So, read the title of this blog and we'll leave it at that!!!!

So instead of writing a 20 page long blog with updates of everything I'm going to throw together a 'small' update blog with pictures and short descriptions! *insert gruff football coach voice here* Ok...BREAK!

Lest we forget...I will start this off with the BEST THING that has happened all year.
The Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, Won...the championship. They are AH-mazing!
I decorated the entire apartment in Green & Yellow, Made a ton of snack food for everyone to enjoy (like mini burgers called Roethlis-BURGERS! -get it, the QB for the other team! Genius!) and my favorite part was I got to spend it with ALL my best friends. My mom, sister, Bre, Tanner & PAUL surprised me by coming down!!!!!!!!
Here are some pictures of the greatest day of my life:

 Notice the adorable football brownies and green/yellow cupcakes!

Tons of delicious food...

My adorably festive cutlery! 

Paul & I covered in green and yellow yarn, streamers, t-shirts...and Super Celebratory-ly drunk!

So that was amazing. I still get excited thinking about it!!!

Ok! Next up...
I started a mini porch garden in February after the Super Bowl. It has been happy, sad, easy, hard and all the in between. My basil THRIVES but my tomato plant is sad looking. Here is how it started out:

My seedlings began to sprout. It was such a happy day!!! These are my sunflowers...

And look at them now! The biggest one is about 3 feet already!!!

 This picture isn't TOO recent...My parsley is growing quickly and my Basil keeps getting better and bigger! Its getting harder with the warm weather but It is definitely a lot of fun to garden...when the plants don't die!!

At the end of April Paul, Tanner, Ben and I went to the Nascar race. It was a fun weekend...Paul and I had a blast partying throughout the weekend and the race wasn't too bad either! We gorged on strawberries on a stick, turkey legs, nachos...It was VERY cold though. Having Paul there to walk around aimlessly with was fun since he and I both went just to do something different. 
Here's Jimmie Johnson:

And Paul fitting in the with the crowd by double fisting food and holding onto his beer! If only he was in red plaid or a cowboy hat or something...he'd fit right in! 

In March Ben, Tanner and I went to a Spring Training Game. We sat in the grass which proved to be very entertaining for me! (Phoenician grass is hard to come by now a days so it's been a long time since I played in grass!) I don't remember who won or anything but I had a delicious margarita and hot dog...followed by Hooters with the guys post-game! 

The guys...posing.

Me and Grass! Yay


Bre insisted we FINALLY go to My Big Fat Greek Restaurant. I've been so scared but she said I'd love it. And you know what...she was absolutley right! I'm craving it right now even! I LOVE Greek food! 
We shared the lunch platter that was filled with AMAZING-ness! 

The fries were so good. Hell, EVERYthing was so good! I loved the tzatziki sauce so much that I even tried making it at home a week later. It turned out fine-not as good as MBFGreek...but I was starting a diet right then and couldn't finish it off-yogurt being off limits! 
But I did find my favorite diet ever....Atkins. Its relatively easy and I DON'T have to give up ranch...which is usually 1, maybe 2, carbs! Eating out on it is easy. And my favorite to eat at home is Tacos! 

My new craft fetish is wall vinyls! I made 2 for our apartment so far and 3 others for other people...including Paul for his birthday present.
This is my favorite one so far....Made for our kitchen obviously. Isn't it SO cute? And pretty easy, just a little time consuming!  

At the end of March Tanner and I went to the Renaissance Festival. It was a lot of fun! I haven't been in so long! We rode an elephant!!! It was scary and fun!
This is my view of the elephant...all big and scary! What a huge head!

This is us watching the jousting

On April 14th this beautiful creature was born: Abrielle-Tanner's Sister's baby

I held her when she was 3 hours old. It has been so amazing seeing a tiny human being! She'll be a month old tomorrow. It was definitely scary holding her and feeding/burping etc and all the baby stuff! It was hard getting used to it all but I am now and love taking care of her....for short periods of time! She was SO small...she's between premie and newborn clothes right now but we got her a lot of fun things to wear so I can't wait till she can fit in them! 

Here she is holding my finger and crashing out! How adorable and tiny is she?!?!

Also in April I got to surprise Paul by telling him I was going to his birthday party..and got to be there all weekend! And OH MAN did we have a great time!!!!! Such a good time that we only took a few pictures from the weekend...and that's so unlike us! 
This is one of our only pictures...from Sunday morning at 7am, hadn't been to bed yet, after we had invited the entire bar back to his house and had an after party, for the second time that weekend. Oh the good times!

Also...I'm not sure why it comes up sideways but...you get the idea. Drunk, tired and bored!

Tanner and I turned 24 this year. His birthday was a lot of fun and fell on easter, so I made him a Easter basket full of candies and some presents, Baseball cake pops and bacon roses! Yes, bacon roses. Insanely easy to make and really cute, for a guy that is. 

I also made green cake pops for his dad's family to take over on Easter. Then we BBQed at his sister's new apartment with her bf, baby and mom. Which was a lot of fun also. 

We went to the zoo for my lil' birthday getaway.
We pet stingrays.... Which was Tanner's favorite part:

And fed Giraffes! It was SO awesome to be close to these giant beautiful animals, but we couldn't pet them....and I really wanted to! Haha!

We were really close!!!

There are, of course, a lot more animal pictures but I'll just stick to the ones that we actually interacted with!!
Turns out I find the zoo extremely scary! We went into the reptile part and saw about 5 different kinds of rattlesnakes. Then we continued onto the 'Arizona Trail' which was AZ terrain. EVERY sound I heard made me jump. I was scared to death we were going to run into a non-caged rattlesnake!!! AND THEN as we neared the Oryx corrals (look them up...they're big and have scary horns!) we turned down the trail and hiding behind a brick wall was a lifesized Oryx statue that looked like an actual one and I got the crap scared out of me! So bad that I like flew backwards jumping away and gasping. Tanner laughed and I was SO ready to be done with that trail! Turns out all the crazy sounds from squirrels, chipmunks and birds are very frightening when you're looking at wild animals! We even had a squirrel chase us (adorable but scary) thinking that we would share some food! 

So that is the gist of my last 5 months. At least things that I can remember because I have photos of it all! The best of all being the Super Bowl! I need to have a Green Bay party, especially since I still have some supplies from the SB party! Maybe once its nearly football season! Anyway. And of course there's been a lot of this:

Paul may not be in every picture...but he was there for every drink! Haha! Us and our good times!

There's my 5 month update! Just doing random things and having fun. I'm glad we've already had some new adventures and fun highlights of they year!
  • Packer's win the Super Bowl
  • Went to the Renaissance Fair
  • Went to the zoo
  • Went to Nascar
  • Went to a Spring Training game
  • Rode an elephant
  • Pet sting rays
  • Fed giraffes
  • Had a lil' niece born
Hopefully we'll be doing cool things and I'll remember to take pictures AND blog instead of just post them on Facebook! Tanner's been talking all day about going to a Dwight Yoakam concert (ick really, he's insisting I go. Gag) and a Diamondbacks game on the 21st! So hopefully I'll be back on here SOOOOON!

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