About Me

September 10, 2010

As Of Late....

So instead of trying to recap on everything going on in my life I suggest looking HERE if you're really interested in an update. 

Otherwise...Im starting my blogging as of today! 
Labor Day Weekend was fun. On Saturday night we went out to dinner with Tanner's dad and step-mom. We went to Fox and Hound which I'd never been to. It was pretty good and I looove the sports bar ambiance! 
Then on Sunday we spent the day with his family. Lots of BBQing and swimming! I even got in the pool for like an hour!!! Insane, I know! 
So, other than that not much has been going on differently. Tanner and I have been working and living. Making dinners and doing housework. And shopping! Oooh how I love shopping!
Payday was Tuesday and we went to the mall and some other places...
Tanner of course got a couple of things for the Xbox. A new controller and Madden 10. Which has been a BLAST! I love that game...if only I didnt suck so badly at it! Ok Im not THAT bad, I just hate running plays so Tanner's constantly deflecting my pass or intercepting it! Bullshit! But its a lot of fun!
We got a lot of things for the house that got me giddy in a weird this-is-cleaning-supplies kind of way. Like dryer sheets and sense and spray freshener. Its the little things in life .... right?! Haha!
I also got 2 new pairs of shoes. I couldn't help it! Wet Seal and Shoelicious were having sales. Its like a receptor in my brain goes off! But they're sooo cute-er sexy? Since I only buy heels that are 4 inches minimum.
And I got everything I needed to bleach out my roots and successfully get my hair to the diamond platinum Ive been trying to attain for over 2 months! UGH what a frying process!!!

Anyway that's pretty much my update. Tonight Tanner and I tried our hand at Pigs In A Blanket making. He had a ball punching down the dough and rolling it out. Making things from scratch is fun! I can't say they were extremely tasty, but not bad for the first time. 

They're cute right? Hahaha if nothing else it was fun to do together!

Tomorrow night we're supposed to be taking his dad and step-mom out for dinner. Yum! I'm really craving some Olive Garden. Sure for the salad and breadsticks...but mostly for the Lambrusco Riunite! Best wine I've tasted to date! That is, if they'll take my ID. This platinum blonde hair really throws people off so I need to go take a new picture! Add that to my list. 
OOH most exciting news is I finally ordered a Greenbay Watch to replace my other one. SOOO EXCITED! I cannot wait for it to get here. Which will hopefully be Monday but possibly Tuesday! I am so thrilled I finally remembered to get one! Which brings me to my next 2 fan-memorabilia-items: 
Greenbay Xbox Controller FacePlate
Greenbay Tongue Ring
I've got both saved online so that I remember to order them. Man how I LOVE football season!
Anyway I suppose thats it for now! I think my next blog will be craft or cooking related. I need to do a trial run of birthday cupcakes within the next week and a half, perhaps I'll make it a fun filled photo session. Or some neat-o craft. I made really cute poof ball 'flowers' last night that I love and 're-did' two frames we had sitting around and put them on the wall newly decorated. I love crafting! Anyway, I'm done writing I promise! 
Im going to draw for a bit and plan out my day tomorrow. I'll probably spend the day making some crafts and posting them on here for fun! Until next time -
Peace Out!

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